Saturday, April 13, 2013

Racing Rules of Sailing Seminar Today, April 13th

The 2013 Racing Rules Seminar's time has changed.  It's being offered from 2-5:30pm at the Rappahannock River Yacht Clubhouse today, Saturday May 13th.
Please plan on attending the annual Racing Rules Seminar today at its new time.  There will be a review of the rules by going through situations that occur as you go around the race course.  Discussion will be led by new member David Lee, along with Sam Marshall, and Tom Chapman. We hope to encourage discussion and have an emphasis on the changes for 2013 to 2016.  Bring your rule book and we'll see you there soon.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The Kick Off Party Launching The Typhoon Season At RRYC Is Set For Wednesday, April 24th

It's beautiful, warm and balmy outside these days - perfect sailing weather and time to burn those socks.  While this may not be one of the events on the calendar for this year's Kick Off Party, it is still guaranteed to be a fun night.  There will be a cocktail hour followed by dinner and dessert.
Afterwards, Jerry Latell of Latell, has graciously agreed to again lead us through a Typhoon Racing Rules Refresher in his informative and clear style.  This is always casual and great for both new and seasoned racers.  So join us at 6PM at the Rappahannock River Yacht Club.  Please let Kinnet know by Saturday, April 20th if you're coming so she can make sure that there's plenty of food for all. Just email her at or call 804.438.9320.  The cost is only $10 per person.